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Gairdín na Scoile
On Tuesday, May 11th 2010, we planted the school vegetable garden. We explored Biodiversity as our focal element in the Green Schools Project this year.
Planting commenced following the installation of four large raised beds in a sunny location between the main school building and the Infant classrooms.
Pupils were encouraged to bring to school gardening tools, seeds, plants and anything that would contribute to the formation of a vegetable garden.
Firstly the pupils dug over the soil, breaking up any clumps. Then they watered it lightly prior to planting. A wide selection of vegetables and herbs were planted either as seeds or in bedding plant form - celery, onions, lettuce, beans, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, basil, chives and strawberries - to name but a few!
gach duine
go lách
go dtéann
ina gharraí!
Pupils were encouraged to tease out the roots of established plants prior to planting in drills, firming in with their hands or feet - paying due attention to delicate stems and leaves of course!
They learned that seeds are sown by scattering and covered with a light sprinkling of soil; that some plants will require staking e.g. peas and beans and that the requirements of any plant are soil, air, water and sunlight. Markers were also used by the pupils to indicate where seeds had been planted - very useful indeed!
As you can see from the wide array of photographs this was a truly enjoyable and educational experience for all students, both young and old. A wonderful day was spent interacting with Mother Nature.
Many thanks to all the students who brought in tools and seeds, to Michael for constructing the beds and to all the teachers who shared their gardening knowledge, skills and enthusiasm.
Click on each photo in the filmstrip to enlarge