Whilst every one was safely stored away inside their homes, apréz gorging themselves on large quantities of poultry and wine, I took a stroll through Castlebar city centre. All is peace, all was quite on Christmas night in Castlebar. There used to be famous card games on main street years ago. They ended suddenly when men started bringing weapons to the games. That's when you know gamers are taking a few hands of 25 far too seriously.
I'm not sure who the lady is in the picture. I told her I was working for CNN, uncovering militants in west Mayo. She said to take her picture anyway. I know she has a son state side, and she said she wished him a very happy Christmas. As for me she advised I be careful if I was heading to Erris, the place is full to the gills with latchecos and militants.

Main Street

Linenhall Arts Centre


Linenhall Street


Irish House Elison Street

Main Street

Mc Donalds Shop Castle street

Court House

The Mall

taken from May Leonards Castle Street

Spencer street, Gavins shop and cafe Ruá.

Fountain of youth

The Mall

Castle Street

This lady sends her Christmas wishes to her son in USA.