Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02 |
I made a return trip to this year's annual Puck fair in Killorglin County Kerry. This annual fair takes place on the 10th 11th and 12th of August. I'm not sure if it's the same dates every year. It's a time of uncertainty in the lives of the certain people of the Kingdom. Kerry will certainly win another all Ireland, and Killorglin will be full to the gills with piebald salesmen and travellers from every halting site in the country. The local taverns and chip shops certainly make a fortune with their "Puck Fair" rape the tourist menus. Their will be a male puck Gabhair shittin himself with fear at the top of his throne in the main town square, and I suppose the only uncertainty is the weather and this year it was very hit and miss. This year I was surprised by the number of foreign gypsies at the event and even more surprised at how well they fitted in. There doesn't seem to be any language barrier when you're haggling over the price of a saddle of horse or a second hand drill. I don't think I've ever seem as many second hand tools in one place in my life, well not in Kerry anyway - I have seen 15 of them playing in Croke Park a few times.

One talented man playing banjo with hand and guitar with toe

One of the many piebalds for sale, 1K for this little fella here. I asked the vendor would he be fit for the trip up to Croke park then he says where are you from boy I said I'm from Mayo then he said well by the time you get to Croke Park this fella here will be in a glue factory.

And here we have the gabhair himself getting his cheap tin crown from the maiden of the puck fair. The goat smelt ungodly I have no idea how the maiden was able to stay so close. I over heard two travellers saying "jasus Tommy there is some smell out a that goat" to which tommy replies "you'd want ta had a wiff out ur trailer some time Jimmy!"

An original Roman Gypsy trailer.

A man dressed for the rain selling sun glasses would you believe.

And here you have the gabhair himself the self smelt king of Kilorglin for three short days the three worst days of his life I'm sure.

Some of the local heavies flexing their guns when I told them they should try out for the Kerry camogie team, they had the ronnies.

Finally lots of people have often wondered where does the goat come from, well I can reveal a little known secret he arrived in a red Volkswagen Golf He went pure wild when he saw the sign at the front of this photo.

Tá an Púc ar Buile
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