Some weeks ago, a number of talented musicians from Castlebar came up with an idea to showcase the musical talent that exists within the town. Michael Sheridan, New Social, Everyday Solution, Jam Shugar, Receptor, Ryo & Damo and 4 & 9s are hosting a special free concert and are looking for support. The bands and personnel are giving their performances and time free of charge so hopefully the people of the town will come and get behind them. There is nothing more satisfying for a band than to see a crowd in front of them and enjoying the music.
They have decided to hold this concert outdoor in the town centre in Hoban's Car Park on Saturday, September 19th and it will start at 6pm and continue into the night. Some local businesses that are delighted with his idea have come on board and offered assistance, which is very encouraging for the musicians.
Please support live music and these generous musicians.