The Russian speaking community in Mayo is organising an event to commemorate 70 years since the end of the World War II. Victory Day is of high importance in the countries of origin of the community and it is celebrated on the 9 May.
The programme of the Day is set below:
Great Victory Day 9 May, Saturday, Castlebar:
9.30- Service at Christ Church, ending with the special prayer for the end of the Second World War.
13.00- Mayo Peace Park. Ceremony of the commemoration at the monument. Laying the wreaths, this ceremony will be joined by Michael Feeney and some councillors. They will also have a ceremony of 100 years after the sinking of the Lusitania.
14.00 - Castlebar Celtic Club: lunch and concert. The wall of the remembrance will be prepared, displaying pictures and names of our relatives who took part in the Second World War.
I trust this is of the interest and we look forward to see you on the Day.
On behalf of the organiser of the celebration Liliya Luzan