Mayo County Council in association with the Mayo Peace Park Committee will commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of World War One with a number of events this weekend.
Friday 1st August
World War One memorabilia exhibition - Launch in Castlebar Library @ 4.30pm. 'Women And Children First: The Home Front During World War One.' by Dr. Ciaran Wallace. Dr. Wallace is a social historian associated with Trinity College Dublin and an academic and broadcaster. @5.00pm, Castlebar library 'Lions, Donkeys and Paddies: The Irish Experience of the Great War' by Myles Dungan - Dr. Myles Dungan presents The History Show on RTE Radio 1 and is the author of Irish Voices From the Great War and They Shall Grow Not Old. @6.00pm., Castlebar library
March away My Brothers, play by Brendan MacQualie in the Linenhall Theatre @ 8.30pm.
Saturday 2nd August Open Day at the Mayo Peace Park followed by a social evening for the many international and local visitors attending the ceremonies.
Sunday 3rd August A special ecumenical ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of World War One at the Mayo Peace Park - commencing at 2.30pm (all guests to be seated before 2.15pm). The special guest speaker is the well known journalist and newspaper columnist Mr Kevin Myers.
All are welcome