Michael and Kerrill Thornhill from Maithú with the Cathaoirleach of Foras na Gaeilge, Liam Ó Maoilmhíchil.
Maithú, an IT Consultancy company specialising in web and mobile products was recently awarded the Gnó Gaeilge na Bliana Award for the best Irish language business by the Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, Pat Carey T.D. at the fifth annual Barr 50 Gnó le Gaeilge Awards in the Mansion House in Dublin. Maithú works with major multi-national companies, it recently developed the Gaelfón software which is available on Samsung mobile phones, and the popular mobile Irish-English dictionary ‘Get the Focal' which was recently launched as an iPhone application. The Barr 50 Gnó le Gaeilge Awards (Top 50 Businesses as Gaeilge Awards) recognise companies and organisations that use the Irish language as an integral part of their business.
Teach Mháire Luke, the bar and restaurant situated on the edge of Lough Mask in Tuar Mhic Éadaigh were also recognised as one of the Top 50 Businesses le Gaeilge, Frank and Barbara Filbin accepted their award alongside Meteor, Facebook, Fujifilm and ESB.
Meteor received the "Business Service as Gaeilge" award for their new Voicemail Service through Irish which is voiced by TV presenter Síle Seoige. This service is the first of its kind and gives customers the option to access their mailbox through Irish. ESB also won an award for their use of Irish in marketing - they have added an Irish section to their website, they advertise in Irish and provide a billing service as Gaeilge.
"I'm delighted to see so many high profile companies recognizing the value of incorporating the Irish language into their businesses," said Minister Carey. "It's a unique selling point that sets them apart from other businesses and so many of them are using the language in such a smart way. Now more than ever, businesses need to have a point of difference and the use of Irish is an authentic way to do this," he said.
"The success of the Barr 50 reflects the growing popularity of the Irish Language in every aspect of society not least among businesses which see the use of Irish as a competitive advantage in the market place," said Connla Lawlor, Marketing Manager BMG.
Research carried out in 2009 by TNSmrbi, revealed that 85% (85% in ROI, 78% in NI) of consumers questioned prefer to see Irish and bilingual signage used where they shop, proving that the visual use of Irish can really make a distinctive difference to any business.
Other winners of the Barr 50 Gnó le Gaeilge award include Facebook and Fujifilm Ireland who were also recognised for their use of Irish on a day to day basis - full list attached and more information on the businesses can be found at www.belfastmedia.com/barr50gno.
Barr 50 Gnó le Gaeilge is a Belfast Media Group event and is sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge, Marketing Institute of Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and TG4.