Enter the Western People West of Ireland Women's Mini Marathon and receive a unique ‘Mayo Day' running top
Mayo Sports Partnership is delighted to announce Mayo.ie as a partner of the Western People West of Ireland Women's Mini Marathon 2015 on Sunday 3rd May.
Mayo Day is a unique initiative that celebrates all that is great about our progressive can-do County. Communities, Business, Individuals locally nationally and Internationally are embracing the opportunity to celebrate our Mayo-ness on this one day in the year.
To celebrate Mayo Day 2015 a unique technical t-shirt will be given to the first 1000 individual entrants of the Mini Marathon online www.westofirelandwomensminimarathon.com or those who register offline by filling out the entry form in the Western People and send it to Mayo Sports Partnership, Cedar House, Moneen, Castlebar.
"We at Mayo Sports Partnership are delighted that Mayo.ie are recognising that the Western People West of Ireland Womens Mini Marathon is a hugely significant event around Mayo Day celebrations" said Charlie Lambert Coordinator of Mayo Sports Partnership
Martina Hughes at Mayo.ie outlined " Mayo Day is an opportunity to celebrate our Mayo-ness, an opportunity to recognise our great culture, history, landscape, people and so much more. The Western People West of Ireland Womens Mini Marathon is superb event in the Mayo sporting Diary, an event that brings individuals from all over the County and Country together and we are delighted that it forms a key part of the calendar of events for Mayo Day"
T-Shirts for children taking part in the Mini Mini Fun Run
Following on from its huge success last year Mayo Sports Partnership will again host the ‘Mini Mini Fun Run this year especially for primary school children. The mini mini which takes place at 12.10pm on the Mini Marathon day. The fun run is 1km long around the county town. Participants who are signed up for the event before April 20th will receive a mini-mini Mayo Day t-shirt to mark the Inaugural Mayo Day. Entry is absolutely free of charge and the entry form can be found on www.mayosports.ie
The entry form can be emailed or posted to Mayo Sports Partnership at msp@mayococo.ie or post to Mini Mini Entry, Mayo Sports Partnership, Cedar House, Moneen, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Contact Mayo Sports Partnership on msp@mayococo.ie