Have you ever stopped to consider the really big questions? Who am I? What's the meaning of life? Who is God? (If he exists at all.) Have you ever stopped to think about these things? If not, now is your chance. Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm in Castlebar to discuss these questions and to look at what God says in the Bible. This 7-week course will explore the Gospel of John, a book written by one of Jesus' closest friends.
You can ask any question you want and raise any issue you want to discuss. You won't be asked to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. However, you will be offered tea and biscuits! This discussion group is run by Calvary Church Castlebar, a group of local non-denominational Christians who are committed to God's Word the Bible and believe that Jesus provides the only answer to life's big questions.
For more information please email calvarychurchcastlebar@gmail.com or check out http://www.calvarychurchcastlebar.ie