Music Generation MAYO is now recruiting!
Music Generation is Ireland's National Music Education Programme and Co.Mayo is one of the first counties to receive funding in order to roll out a tuition service throughout the county, providing equity of access to instrumental and vocal tuition for young people 0-18 yrs.
The focus of the Music Generation programme in Mayo will be to address the gaps in provision that exist in music education and to add value to existing services. The aim is to develop opportunities for young people to engage with music through a wide range of disciplines and genres. The experience of a good music education should not be something that is accidental nor elitist; there is room for participation by all. The benefits of exposure and participation in music based activities for young people are well documented; it encourages self-esteem, team working skills and self-discipline as well as being a hugely enjoyable and rewarding experience overall. With that in mind, our immediate focus is to assemble a panel of talented and motivated music tutors to deliver our plan.
Would you liked to get involved? Mayo VEC, on behalf of Music Generation Mayo is now recruiting to form a panel of music tutors. Application form & job description are available to download at the links below or/and at (under the Vacancies section).
Should you require further information please contact Music Generation Co-ordinator for Mayo, Kate McKeon.
E-mail: / Ph 09490 24188.