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Gatherings for Action on Climate Change
27, Nov 2015 - 08:50

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Three Local Climate Change Gatherings on 29th November - Westport - Galway and Belmullet


Westport Climate Gathering

Sunday, November 29, 12:45 PM The Mall, Westport, Co. Mayo
Outside St. Mary's Church, The Mall
Westport, F28 FD00, Ireland

Mayo Gathers for action on Climate Change

In Mayo, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and members of the public will join in and ask our government to represent us in Paris by coming to an agreement to take definite action on Climate Change.

Please join us in Mayo to show we care for planet earth.

Westport, Sunday 29th 12.45am, The Mall

Meeting outside St. Mary's Church, the Catholic Church, the Church of Ireland and the general public will walk hand in hand around the Mall to symbolise our wish to work together to protect our town and our future and to call on our government to join in and take action on Climate Change.

For more information contact your local church or Laura Dixon, 087 9767019, and/or join Westport Climate Gathering on facebook.

A picture and video will be taken of the gatherings and sent to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly and the local and national media with the message Tógamís todhchaí níos fearr le chéile, (Let's build a better future together).

The more people that join in calling for action on climate change, the more powerful the message so please join us on the day and help build a better future.

Galway Climate March - Máirseáil Aeráide na Gaillimhe

36-40 Eyre Square, Galway, Ireland
Galway, Galway
Show Map
Event Host Photo
Event Hosted By Caoimhín Ó Maolallaigh
‹‹ Transition Galway are helping organise the Galway People's Climate March on Sunday 29th November 2015. ››

What will happen at the Galway event?
Absolutely everybody is welcome! We want to this event to be fun and lively like a carnival so we invite all street performers, drummers, musicians and singers to come along so we make as big an impact as possible. We will gather at Eyre Square (in front of 'The Skeff') from 12:30pm and leave at 1pm and make our way down Shop Street and Quay Street to the small square in front of the Galway City Museum (behind the Spanish Arch).

ELEMENTS (so far!)
- It is a carnival so we are encouraging people to dress up (if they'd like to)
- Main banner at front, Transition Galway banner somewhere behind that and other banners welcome
- Placards with slogans already on them and blank placards for people to put their own slogans on them between 12:30pm and 1pm
- Face-painting on participants (between 12:30pm and 1pm)
- Singing: as people gather (12:30pm - 1pm), teaching people a song people are invited to sing during the march (see: - we will have photocopies of lyrics on the day), singing during march and at end.
- Team of Drummers: drumming before, during and at end of march
- Flyers to hand out to people who see the march
- Short speeches at end of march from representatives of local NGOs

This event is part of the Global Climate March. On November 30th, world leaders meet in Paris to start negotiating the next global climate deal. That's why, the day before, people around the world will take to the streets and push leaders at every level of government to commit to 100% clean energy. Together, we can push the world towards a climate deal that gets us off dirty energy and unleashes clean energy for all. Let's make history

Belmullet Climate Gathering

Friday, November 27, 2:30 PM The Pier, Shore Rd, Belmullet, Co. Mayo
Shore Rd.
Belmullet, Co. Mayo

Join us as we stand together along Shore Road to protect our town from climate change and rising sea levels. We will line the shore beginning at the pier and send a message from Belmullet to Paris to protect our future by ending fossil fuels and Greenhouse Gas emmissions.

For more information contact Belmullet Tidy Towns - 097 20977, ,

For more information on climate justice and climate action in Ireland see , and/or

For more information on the Global Climate March and to join the local events see


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