Met Eireann Tweets in the run-up to and during/after the storm: 6 Dec 2015 9:00 Met Éireann @MetEireann
Mostly dry & bright today with just a few well scattered showers. It'll be less windy but the day will feel fresher with highs of 7-9C. 6 Dec 2015 6:00
Rain clearing e'wards this morn giving way to a bright & mostly dry day, with sunny spells and mostly light winds. Turning colder Highs 6-9C 6 Dec 2015 0:00 V windy with further heavy falls of rain esp in SW W &N Clearer weather extending from NW overnight &winds easing Turning cold later Low3-6C 5 Dec 2015 20:00 Continuing v wetwindy tonight,& heavy rain especially in W & N. Winds veer W to NW &moderate towards morn as rain clears E'wards. Min 3-6C. 5 Dec 2015 20:00 10 minute mean windspeeds at 7pm local time, today Saturday. View image on Twitter 5 Dec 2015 18:00 10 min mean windspeeds for 5pm local time today Saturday. View image on Twitter 5 Dec 2015 18:00 ... Rain will be more intermittent in E &S counties. Continuing extremely windy, with gale force SW'erly winds & some severe gusts. 5 Dec 2015 18:00 Widespread rain continuing today&tonight, especially in Conn &W Ulst, where prolonged falls of heavy rain will lead to more flooding. .... 5 Dec 2015 14:00 10 minute mean wind speeds at 1pm for today Saturday. View image on Twitter 5 Dec 2015 12:00 .... and W Ulster with some further flooding likely. Highs 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. 5 Dec 2015 12:00 Continuing extremely windy in most places with gale force SW winds & some severe gusts. Widespread heavy rain, severe in Connacht..... 5 Dec Prolonged heavy rain in W & NW likely to cause flooding. Rain becoming lighter & intermittent in SE & E. Very strong SW winds. Highs 10to13C 4 Dec Extremely wet & windy overnight. Prolonged heavy rain in the western half of the country. Strong SW winds with damaging gusts. Lows 8to11C 4 Dec ... conditions. SW winds will be strong to gale force & v gusty, with the most severe winds in W & NW coastal counties. Lows 9 to 11. 4 Dec V windy & blustery overnight with widespread rain, heavy in western coastal counties. Some flooding expected with dangerous driving.... 4 Dec ... Highest level RED rainfall warning for selected counties. Highs of 10 to 12, in very strong SW winds. 4 Dec Becoming windy as Storm Desmond feeds in incessant falls of rain. The rain will reach the W & NW this aft extending countrywide this eve.... 4 Dec Multiple weather warnings issued, including Status Red rain warning for some western areas. For further info see 4 Dec Dry&bright for a time. Becoming very windy with incessant heavy rain in the W & NW this aft extending E'wards after dark. Significant...... 4 Dec .....rainfall totals occurring leading to flooding issues & treacherous driving conditions. Highs 11-12C in strong to gale force SW winds 4 Dec Dry & bright to start.Rain will spread SE this afternoon & evening,turning heavy in western counties later.Windy & cool.Highs 10-12C
3 Dec Showers overnight but becoming mainly dry by morning.Lows 3-7C. Mainly dry on Friday AM.Rain spreading eastwards during the PM.Windy also 3 Dec Rain will clear from the E this eve and the it will be dry into the early part of night. Frost may occur in some places under clear skies. 3 Dec Heavy rain in Muns&Lein in aft, local flooding sleet in places. Rain for a time in Conn&Ulst Cold, highs 3-8C gen but11or12C in parts of SE 3 Dec Today heavy rain in Mun/Len much of the time with risk of local flooding.Sleet in places in pm/eve.Con/Ult will have a little rain.Max 7-8C. 2 Dec Rain in S becoming persistent over Mun/S len tonite.Mainly dry further N.Min 2-4.Tmrw wet in Mun/Len withrisk flooding.Some sleet.Max 5-10 2 Dec Tonite dry in most areas.Rain in S becoming persistentand extending over Mun/S Len.Frost in parts of Nern half of country.Min 1-4C. 2 Dec Mostly dry this evening with frost developing tonight. Rain along S coast overnight will bec heavy in the South & SE in the morn. Lows 2-4C 2 Dec Mostly dry this evening with a frost developing tonight. Rain along the S coast overnight will become heavy in the south & SE in the morning 2 Dec Mostly dry this aft & eve, just an odd shower on the NW coast and possibly a little drzl near SE'rn coasts. Some frost in N'rn areas tonight 2 Dec Apart from a few showers in W Connacht & W Ulster today will be mainly dry. Moderate W breezes. Highs 7to11C, mildest in SE. 2 Dec Rain clearing eastwards to isol shwrs. Fresh SW'rly winds veer W'rly and moderate with the clearance. Afternoon highs: 7-12C, mildest in SE. 1 Dec Mild & windy tonight. Mostly dry over the E at first but persistent rain in the W will spread eastwards later. Min 8-10C. 1 Dec Persistent rain will spread eastwards overnight but clear in the NW around dawn. Lows: 6C in NW to 10C in S & E. Strong gusty S to SW winds 1 Dec Some rain or drizzle in places, mainly affecting NW & W, but bright intervals developing in the E & SE. Windy but very mild; highs 12to14C 1 Dec Some rain or drizzle in places, mainly in the northwest & west. Bright intervals towards the east & southeast. Windy but mild. Highs 12-14C 1 Dec