Calendar of Events for: April and May 2005
Temporary Exhibitions: Down Memory Lane - Childhood in the 1950s: Extended until 08 May 2005 Religion and Magic - Objects associated with popular belief and practice: 20 May – 16 October 2005
Booking Details - Saturday Club - Ongoing Activities- Museum Shop and Café
Sunday 24th & Wednesday 27th 2.30pm-3.30pm Talk & Demonstration. The Beasts of Burden – The Donkey. See a block wheel cart and donkey in action! The block wheel cart was constructed on site in summer 2004. Join Rob Steinke, to hear about the work of the donkey and see the display of associated equipment and materials. Age 7+
Sunday 1st 2.30pm-3.30pm Demonstration. Buttermaking! Join Jean Beattie as she demonstrates the traditional way of making butter and hear about some of the folklore associated with making butter. Age 7+ Wednesday 4th & Sunday 8th 2.30pm-3.30pm Workshop. Flower Posies Picking and bringing home fresh flowers in May was a custom that welcomed in the summer. Make traditional country flower posies with florist June Bourke. Age 7+
Thursday 5th May - 10.00am to 5.00pm Wandering through the Weeds Join Judith Hoad as she walks the Museum grounds identifying wild plants, their domestic and medicinal properties. Afterwards Judith demonstrates making infusions, decoctions and tinctures. Full day event
Thursday 5th 10.00am – 5.00pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age
Saturday Club Starting Saturday 7 May 2005: 10.00am - 12.00pm Weaving - Art or Craft? There are various forms of weaving using many different materials. Why not join the Saturday Club to use hazel, willow, straw, & wool to weave an object each week. The Saturday Club is free and all materials are provided. Each club is limited to 15 places. Ages 13 -16 years old.
Sunday 8th 2.30pm-3.30pm As Wednesday 4th
Tuesday 10th 2.30pm – 3.30pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age May 2005. Bealtaine, the ancient Celtic feast celebrating the renewal and freshness of summer, is the theme of Age and Opportunity's festival of creativity in older age. Contact the Education and Outreach Department or visit for details of Bealtaine activities in the Museum during May. (Age: adults older age)
Tuesday 10th May - 2.30pm-4.00pm Singing the Traditional Song Join Séan Doyle as he goes through the basics of singing traditional song exploring historical song types, their styles, variations and methods.
Wednesday 11th 2.30pm – 3.30pm Talk. Summer Food: a seasonal dimension to traditional Irish Food Patterns. Regina Sexton, Food Historian and writer, will talk about traditional Irish Food. Adults Thursday 12th 2.30pm - 4.00pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age
Thursdays in May - 2.30pm-4.00pm The Museum in Your Life, Your Life in the Museum: Thursday 12th Watercolour painting with Bernie O Mara Thursday 19th Sketching with Marianne Heemskerk Thursday 26th Printing Techniques with Marianne Heemskerk
Friday 13th 2.30pm-4.30pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age Fridays in May - 2.30pm-4.30pm Craft Friday: Friday 13th Straw Craft: Learn how to make a basket from straw with Ted Kelly Friday 20th Rush Craft: Learn how to make items from rush with Patricia O Flaherty Friday 27th Wool Craft: Learn how to make a felt piece from wool with Susie Sullivan
14th and 15th May 2005
Feile na Tuaithe, Turlough Park - Country Life Today:
This event will be a weekend-long celebration of country life featuring craft producers, farmers' market area, children's activities, music and demonstrations.
Sunday 15th 2.30pm-3.30pm Music Performance. Celtic Beat Be entertained at the museum by traditional musicians. All ages
Wednesday 18th 2.30pm-3.30pm Talk. May Customs! Join Curator Dr. Séamas Mac Philib to hear all about the traditions and customs associated with the month of May. Age 7+ Thursday 19th 2.30pm - 4.00pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age Friday 20th 2.30pm-4.30pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age
20th May - 16 October 2005 Performance. Traditional Entertainment New temporary exhibition: Religion and Magic - Objects associated with popular belief and practice. All ages
Sunday 22nd 2.30pm- 4.30pm Performance. Traditional Entertainment Come along and be entertained by the Blackpudding Club with song, dance, music and poetry. All ages
Wednesday 25th 2.30 – 4.00pm Tour. Garden Walk. Hear the story of how the Victorian gardens, glasshouses and lake at Turlough Park were restored, with Garden Restoration Supervisor Noreen Hennigan. Age 7+
Thursday 26th 2.30pm - 4.00pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age Friday 27th 2.30pm-4.30pm Bealtaine: Festival of Creativity in Older Age Age adults older age
Sunday 29th 2.30pm-3.30pm Workshop. Young and Old come out to play! Fancy a game of Hopscotch? Have fun playing traditional games with Brendan McDonnell from the Education & Outreach Department. Afterwards enjoy a picnic in the garden. Age 7+
Wednesday 1st 2.30pm-3.30pm Talk. Farming and the Environment. Michael Moore, Teagasc, will talk about modern farming practices, the role of the Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS) and their influence on the environment. Age 7+
Wednesday 1st to Sunday 8th June ENFO Travelling Exhibition - Walls to Wildflowers. A visual and informative display of Irish hedgerows, dry stone walls, urban amenities, ponds, dunes and wildflower meadows, highlighting the importance of conserving our natural landscape. Age 7+
Sunday 5th & Wednesday 8th 2.30pm-3.30pm Talk. Wildlife Join local Wildlife Ranger, Maurice McDonnell to learn about the wildlife on the grounds of Turlough Park House and the surrounding area. Age 7+
Sunday 12th & Wednesday 15th 2.30pm-4.30pm Demonstration. Making Boxty! Join Mary Walsh and Eileen Healy to learn how to make boxty on an open fire. Age 7+ >
17-19 June 2005
Annual Conference of the Agriculture History Society of Ireland
Annual Conference of the Agriculture History Society of Ireland takes place in the Museum of Country Life from 17-19 June 2005. Further details available from Dr. Séamas Mac Philib, Curator. Tel: 094 90 31762
Sunday 19th & Wednesday 22nd 2.30pm-3.30pm Demonstration. Baa baa black sheep have you any wool! Shearing, Spinning, and Knitting! Watch local farmer Alan Wood shearing a sheep. Then see Patricia McNevin card and spin the fleece to make wool ready for knitters, Marcella McDonnell & Mary Gallagher. Age 7+
Sunday 26th & Wednesday 29th 2.30pm-3.30pm Workshop. Summer Stitches -Wool Crochet Crochet has been in the family of Mary Mc Granahan for generations. Take this opportunity to have a go and try out this traditional craft. Age 7+
For further information please contact the Marketing Dept. Tel: 094 90 31773; Mobile: 087 7987 439; fax: 094 90 31583; E-mail or visit
GENERAL INFORMATION Visit for details of Jan-March events. Contact if you would like to join the Museum’s mailing list. MUSEUM OPENING HOURS: Tues-Sat: 10am – 5pm Sunday: 2-5pm. Closed Mondays (incl. Bank Holiday) Museum Shop & Café: extended opening on Sundays from 12pm.
For further information please contact the Marketing Dept.
Tel: 094 90 31773; Mobile: 087 7987 439; fax: 094 90 31583;
E-mail or visit
Visit for details of Jan-March events.
Contact if you would like to join the Museum’s mailing list.
Tues-Sat: 10am – 5pm Sunday: 2-5pm. Closed Mondays (incl. Bank Holiday)
Museum Shop & Café: extended opening on Sundays from 12pm.