Acting Locally - Growing Real Opportunities for Women (GROW) _____________________________________________________________ ARE YOU A WOMAN THINKING OF STARTING a BUSINESS? OR YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND WANT TO PROGRESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL? Mayo Intercultural Action is running a project to support women from the migrant population and the wider community to start their own business. Participants will be provided with training and mentoring support, adapted to their level and requirements. Visit the information nights to get further details and to apply for the programme: Family Resource Centre, Tucker Street, Castlebar on Wednesday 16 February at 20.30 Family Resource Centre, Abbey Street, Ballina, on Thursday 17 February at 19.30 As places are limited early registration is advised. Contact: Natalya on 0860848538 / 0940944511
Financial support is provided by European Social Fund, the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs through the Equality for Women Measure and the National Women's Strategy 2007-1016