The Family Centre in Chapel St., Castlebar are running a number of interesting courses over the next few weeks. Many of the courses are free. Telephone 094 90 25900 for further information or booking.
Transform Your life - Through Christian Meditation
Learn how to use Christian meditation so as to transform your life in a real and practical way. This one day training / retreat will help you to use the power of God's presence in your life. Saturday 7th March 10.30 am - 3.30 p.m. Sr. Maura Flynn.
Enneagram Part 2. For those who have already done Part 1 this is an opportunity to develop your knowledge and interest even further. Commencing Wednesday 4th March at 8 pm. Benny Mc Hale.
How to get the most out of play for your Children and Yourself.
Learn the joy of play with your children and how we can use it to encourage their development and cement your relationship with them. Monday 9th March 8 pm - 9.30 pm in the Family Centre. Joan Bennett, Play Therapist. (Free course).
Understanding what goes on in the teenage Brain.
Our understanding of how the brain works has increased dramatically in the last few years. We can use this knowledge in many ways including ways in which we can understand teenage behaviour better and support our young people and ourselves. Suitable for parents. Venue: Mayo Education Centre beside the GMIT. Tuesday 10th March at 7.30 pm. Laura Coleman, Psychotherapist and Psychologist. (Free course).