A Chara; Could you please highlight this important notice, [] The drivers on the gritting trucks experiencing a lot of aggressive and impatient behaviour on the road when they are out trying to make the roads safe for all. Thank you. Regards Noel Gibbons
Take care around winter maintenance vehicles Mayo County Council provides a winter maintenance service to keep the traffic moving and to minimise delays and collisions during winter weather. Your safety and keeping the County moving is the Councils priority but for this to happen it requires your co-operation.
• Winter maintenance vehicle drivers take all possible precautions during operations to protect the safety of other road users. • Salting vehicles - Great care is taken when applying salt to the road to ensure that correct spread and widths are maintained. · Drivers should remain a safe distance behind these vehicles. · Do not attempt to overtake the salting vehicle when it is applying salt. · Remember if you overtake a salting vehicle which is in operation you are driving on untreated roadway and it may be icy! • Snow Ploughing - You should take particular care to watch for irregular accumulations of snow caused by snow ploughing operations. Do not be tempted to overtake snowploughs by squeezing into partially cleared lanes. In winter conditions, it takes longer to stop * When roads are slippery it will take up to 10 times longer to stop. * So, drop your speed, and give yourself more time to slow down and stop. * Drive with care even if roads have been treated.
Please remember • It can take time for the salt to become effective. • Showers or rain will wash salt off roads leaving them prone to icing. • Forecasts are not always accurate, and the weather can change rapidly.