A Big Thank You from Mayo Pink Ribbon!
The green and red of Mayo took a back seat last weekend as the people of the county came out in force behind the Mayo Pink Ribbon Cycle. Shops, businesses, houses and gardens were bedecked in pink as people showed their solidarity with those experiencing breast cancer and those men and women fundraising to create a safer future through research into the disease.
Almost 500 cyclists took to the roads of Mayo, led by Taoiseach Enda Kenny, in what has now become an annual event. The atmosphere was wonderful along the three routes (50km, 100km and 160km) and a real sense of camaraderie and craic was evident.
What makes the Mayo Pink Ribbon Cycle so special is the fact that it is a community event involving people of all ages and from all walks of life. While the cyclists take centre stage, they are by no means the only heroes. To all those who gave of their time to support the cycle, to sponsor products, to collect money, to make ribbons or hang balloons, to print posters or organize events, to offer refreshments or to paint something pink, a huge debt of gratitude is owed.
The Mayo Pink Ribbon team say a huge thank you to all!
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