Write-A-Book project is a wonderful project that gives children the opportunity to write their own book. This year's Write-A-Book project has been another great success in the Mayo area.
The Write-A-Book project is a fantastic, fun way of engaging students in the art and discipline of writing as well as developing the use of language. It is an excellent way of embracing the curricular areas of English and Visual Art as well as developing a range of other skills including planning, drafting, editing, printing and binding. It is acknowledged as a great way for teachers to encourage and develop writing skills in their pupils while also tapping into the creative side of writing and language, allowing pupils to explore various techniques and styles of writing. The project also affords pupils the opportunity to read the work of fellow pupils and compare their own work with that of other similarly aged children in the area.
The project is co-ordinated by Mayo Education Centre with the generous sponsorship of Easons Castlebar. The project has again been met with great enthusiasm and widespread support from many schools across the county. Participation in the project has expanded on last year's success, with over 370 pupils taking part from 12 schools around the Mayo Education Centre region. Over 350 books were written and illustrated by young aspiring authors resulting in some fantastic original work which is a testament to the keen interest and creative spirit of pupils in Mayo as well as the commitment and guidance provided by their teachers. There are 66 Award Winners receiving their Certificates and Medals today - these Award Winners have all been selected through a ‘peer review' system.
It is important to support and acknowledge this tremendous work. Such active participation in creative writing and storytelling at this junior level is something to be truly proud of and nurtured. Mayo Education Centre hosted an award ceremony on June 19th 2012 in St. Mary's Hall of the GMIT Castlebar Campus (5.30pm). Award winners, participating pupils, teachers and family members turned out in great numbers. It was a fantastic occasion which celebrated the work of pupils, teachers and parents in developing the Literacy opportunities for children in Mayo.
Art Ó Súilleabháin (Director Mayo Education Centre)
Scríobh Leabhar - Is scéim iontach í seo, urraithe ag Foras na Gaeilge i gcomhar le hIonad Oideachais Mhaigh Eo, Caisleán a' Bharraigh, a thugann deis do pháistí a gcuid leabhair féin a scríobh as Gaeilge. I mbliana sháraigh an scéim Scríobh Leabhar na réamh-mheastacháin uilig a bhí againn anseo in Ionad Oideachais Mhaigh Eo, leis an méid údar óg a scríobh agus a sheol leabhair chugainn - éacht déanta ag na scoláírí agus ag na múinteoirí sa scéim seo thart ar Mhaigh Eo agus áiteanna i dtuairsceart na Gaillimhe. I mbliana don chéad uair riamh bhí níos mó iarrataisí istigh don Scríóbh Leabhar ná dá mhacasamhail de scéim i mBéarla (Write a Book Project).
(English Version) - This is a brilliant initiative, sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge in association with Mayo Education Centre, in Castlebar, that affords an opportunity to children to publish their own books in Irish. This year the initiative surpassed all expectations of the Mayo Education Centre with the numbers of students who actually wrote books and sent them to the Centre, for peer review, exceeding the number of children engaged in the ‘Write a Book Project' - a fantastic achievement by the children and the teachers in this initiative all over Mayo and including parts of north.
Seo bealach iontach le páistí bunscoile a spreagadh chun scríbhneoireachta, bealach na spraoi le páistí a mhealladh isteach sa scríbhneoireacht, in ndul na teanga agus isteach i bhforbairt teangan. Tá an Scéim seo méadaithe go mór ón bhliain seo caite, agus imithe ó mhaitheas to maitheas, le rath breise tagtha ar an obair. Tá beagnach 500 páiste ag glacadh páirt i mbliana, ó 15 scoil ó cheantar Ionad OIdeachais Mhaigh Eo. Tá 410 leabhar againn i nGaeilge scríofa agus deartha ag údair óga Mhaigh Eo agus Gaillimh. Ár mbuíochas ag na múinteoirí agus na tuismitheoirí a spreag an obair iontach seo agus molann muid an chruthaíocht agus an obair. Tugadh amach 95 duais don obair seo inniu - obair a bhí abhreithnithe ag na páistí iad féin i scoileanna éagsúla. Seo bealach álainn le curaclam na Gaeilge agus Ealaín a sníomh lena chéile chomh maith le forbairt scileanna breise cosúil le eagarthóireacht, pleanáil, priontáil, cur i lathair agus cur le cheile. Is bealach iontach an Scéim Scríobh Leabhar le go mbeidh múinteoirí in ann scileanna scríbhneoireachta a mhuscailt sna páistí - mol an leanbh agus tiocfaidh sí!
(English Version) The project is co-ordinated by Ionad Oideachas Mhaigh Eo / Mayo Education Centre with the generous support of Foras na Gaeilge. The project has again been met with enthusiasm and support from many schools across the county. Participation in the project has expanded on last year's success, with almost 500 children taking part, from 15 schools around the Mayo Education Centre region. Over 410 books were written and illustrated by young aspiring authors resulting in some fantastic original work which is a testament to the keen interest and creative spirit of pupils in Mayo as well as the commitment and guidance provided by their teachers. We issued 95 Awards to children for books that received special merit recognition from their peers. Tá sé tábhachtach go mbeimid ag tacaíocht leis an obair iontach seo. Tá féith na scéalaíochta fite isteach sa scéim agus ba chóir go mbeadh muid uilig bródúil as an éacht seo agus ba chóir dúinn an scéim seo a chothú, a spreagadh agus a leathnú. Beidh Ionad Oideachas Mhaigh Eo ag eagrú Searmanais na nDuaiseanna ar an 19ú Meitheamh i Halla Naomh Mhuire den GMIT, Caisleán a' Bharraigh ag 4:30in. Award winners, participating pupils, teachers and family members have been invited to attend. Ócáid iontach le obair na bpáistí a cheiliúradh.
Art Ó Súilleabháin (Director Mayo Education Centre)
Check out Alison Laredo's website