Mayo Historical & Archaeological Society,
in association with the Heritage Dept., GMIT.
An illustrated lecture by Mr. Alf Monaghan.
GMIT Westport Road, Castlebar.
Wednesday, October 10th., at 8 pm.
All welcome.
Castlebar born Alf Monaghan's illustrated talk looks at the history of early Irish Christianity from a different perspective - a Mediterranean perspective. It provides a tantalizing glimpse under the veil of history. It asks many questions and confounds some of the accepted theories about the history of early Christianity in Ireland. It traces links with ancient

Mr. Alf Monaghan who will lecture Mayo Historical & Archaeological Society at the GMIT Campus, Castlebar.
Egypt, connects Irish monasticism with the desert fathers and the early Irish Church with the Coptic Church. Recent Irish discoveries such as the Fadden More Psalter - Egyptian papyrus found in an ancient book of psalms from a Tipperary bog - are clues pointing to a more substantial eastern Mediterranean influence in early Irish Christianity, than has been acknowledged to date.