Mr. Patrick Butler will be the guest speaker at an illustrated lecture entitled ‘The Fitzgerald Family of Turlough: House-People-Events ,organised by Westport Civic Trust. The meeting will be held in the Westport Coast Hotel, at 8pm., Tuesday, December 2nd.

Turlough House.
All are welcome.
Patrick lived at Turlough Park from childhood until 1991. He has drawn on a collection of family photographs, records and personal recollections to compile the history of the house, home of the family and the legendary ‘Fighting Fitzgerald'; and the history of his family, which had its origins in Italy in 1057 and found its way, via England and William the Conqueror, to Ireland and transplantation to Turlough in 1653.
Patrick has a wealth of material on his family and the house, so this should be a lecture full of very local information and interest, given added piquancy by our being able to visit Turlough Park, now of course the National Museum of Country Life.