Click this image to bring an educational retrospective of the Fort Camden Brennan Torpedo Installation to Life.
A Glimpse into the world of Military Precision Engineering
**** Please Note: The on-Site Brennan Torpedo Installation is Out of Bounds. No Public Access available. ****
In the Virtual Reality (VR) World of Technical Dimension, you can walk in the footsteps of the Royal Engineers as you explore this Secretive Underground Military Installation. Available on the Camden Fort Meagher Archive website: http://www.oscailandoras.com and also http://www.brennantorpedo.com
View the space in 3D on any device including a PC by clicking and dragging with the mouse or touch pad. Click on the blue information points as you explore each room. Double click to Maximize the information window. Click X in the top right corner of the information window to close. This is a working model of the Brennan Torpedo Installation situated @ Fort Camden, Cork Harbour, Ireland. Louis Brennan an Irishman and Australian immigrant at 22 years of age was to lay claim to the world's first guided, steerable torpedo utilising a shore based twin winding geared engine.
The Brennan Torpedo became the 2nd line of Defence in Fort Camden, one of only eight elite Submarine Mining Stations worldwide housing the Top Secret Brennan Torpedo Installation.
This top secret system of defence was in use in Fort Camden from 1893 to 1907.
The animation was created from a 3D scan, a VR Walkthrough of the Brennan Torpedo Station, original technical drawings, maps, extensive photographs and HD video recordings.
Created as part of an MA in Digital Arts & Humanities - Norma O'Connor UCC - on Camden Fort Meagher, Crosshaven, Co. Cork with kind permission from Cork County Council and Rob Brassington the online skilful animator who I collaborated with to bring this educational retrospective to life.
A huge thank you to all of the above including Digisoft.tv who kindly assisted a Student with the use of their 3D Camera and Dermot O'Keeffe Site Manager without whose help this project would not have been possible. Many thanks also to the Site Staff and Volunteers who offered assistance where possible and of a particular afternoon made sure I was not locked in onsite for the night! Billy McMullan who along with his family grew up in Fort Camden, enthusiastically helped provide maps, information and books which were of great assistance in my research on Fort Camden.
Most of the sounds you hear in this animation are sounds recorded onsite in Camden Fort Meagher.
A few sounds were sourced online and a list will be uploaded shortly.
Photography, HD Video and Music was recorded onsite.
Maps and Drawings: War Office | Óglaigh na hÉireann | Defence Forces Ireland
Picture of Louis Brennan: Australasian Sketcher 1885; Ebsworth, Alfred Martin