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Leisure : Angling News Last Updated: 2, Apr 2018 - 10:02

Angling News from the West - w/e 4th Sep 2016
By Myles Kelly
9, Sep 2016 - 08:37

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Salmon Angling

River Moy

Angling effort is well down on the Moy now, compared to this time last year and only in the region of 100 salmon were reported for week-ending 04 September.

Only 4 salmon were caught in the Moy Fishery. Bernard Breslin had one fish of 5.5lb on worm on the Rdige Pool while Pat Kane, Donegal, had 3 salmon on spinner, 2 of which he released. The middle reaches fished a little better, particularly around Foxford and some fisheries, like Mount Falcon, Knockmore and Rinanney had catches into the mid to high teens.

Bernard Breslin Dublin 1 Sal. 5.5 lbs. on worm.

The East Mayo Anglers reported 12 salmon caught, 5 of which were released. Reg Bishop and Celia Fry, UK. both had fish in the 3lb bracket on worm.

With more heavy forecast for the weekend it's not likely fishing will be much better next week.

Trout Angling

Lough Conn

Declan Cooke reports that amid very mild and damp weather, Lough Conn continued to produce excellent trout angling over the last few weeks with both wet and dry sedges accounting for many of the fish. The daddy-long-legs also produced some great angling.

This nice 2 ½ pounder caught by Dominic Conlon at Massbrook, fell to a Green Peter.

Walter & Susan Byrne from Edenderry Co. Offaly had a fantastic week reporting over 30 trout on various flies, mainly in the area from Cormorant rocks to Rinmore Point. Ian Wise, fishing out of Cloonamoyne also had some great days with various clients using a variety of dry sedge patterns in sizes 12 - 14

Ronnie Chambers from Northern Ireland had 6 good trout including one of 3.25lbs in the Victoria Bay area on a dry daddy. All fish were returned. Steven Browne enjoyed excellent sport with dry sedges at the Cormorant Rocks.

Padraig Traynor landing a lively trout near Castle Island on L. Conn.

In the recently fished Paddy McDonald cup 22 anglers reported 22 trout over 13 inches as well as numerous smaller ones. Sean Goulding was first with 3 trout weighing 3.52lbs. Padraig Traynor came second, also with 3 trout weighing 3.21lbs. In third place was Mick O'Toole with three trout weighing 3.1lbs. Best fish was caught by Colm Mc Andrew at 1.80 lbs.

Last cast of the day. A nice 1.5lb trout from Massbrook about to be released.

In the last week, mainly in the Castlehill to Browne's Bay area, James Cooper and Jonathan Dibble from Sussex had 13 trout over 2 days averaging 1.25 to 1.5 lbs. Most fish were caught on sedge patterns. Richard and Michael Commons from Dublin had 6 fine trout in one day around Massbrook. Amongst these was a 3lb fish which fell to a Green Peter.

Lough Arrow

Last week's trout competition on Lough Arrow was won by Peter Dunne with 6 fish, the heaviest weighing 2.5 lbs.

Other anglers who fishing in the top 3 were Maurice Cullen, 2nd, with 4 fish heaviest 2 lbs. and Gerry Martin who caught 2 fish to 2.5 lbs.


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